
The Human Eye and The Colourful World


Explain the structure and functioning of Human eye. How are we able to see nearby as well as distant objects?


Human Eye: The natural optical device through which one could see objects around him. It forms an inverted and real image on a light sensitive surface called the retina.
Parts of human eye are:

  1. Iris: It is a dark muscular diaphragm that controls the size of the pupil.
  2. Pupil: The black opening between the aqueous humour and the lens. Since, light does not get reflected from it, so its appearance is dark. The amount of light entering the eye is controlled by the size of the pupil. In dim light, it opens up completely through the iris, but in bright light, it becomes very small. •
  3. Cornea and Aqueous Humour: Acting as lens, they provide the refraction for light rays entering the eye. Cornea is a thin membrane covering the surface of eyeball, through which light enters. Aqueous humour is a transparent gelatinous fluid filled between cornea and eye-lens.
  4.  Ciliary Muscles: These muscles hold the eye lens in vertical position and change the focal length of eye lens to form the sharp image of objects located at different distances on the retina.
  5.  Retina: The light sensitive surface of eye on which image is formed. It is equivalent of the photographic film in a camera. It contains rods and cones.
  6.  Rods and Cones: The cells in retina, which are light and colour sensitive. Rods respond to the intensity of light. Cones respond to the colour. There are around 125 million rods and cones. The cells generate signals which are transmitted to the brain through optical nerves. The brain process the information via these electric signals and give the impression of erect image to us.

To see nearby as well as distant objects, ciliary muscles modify the curvature of eye lens. This leads to variation in focal length. When the muscles are relaxed, the focal length of the lens has its maximum value, equal to the distance from the retina. So, parallel rays coming into the eye get focussed on the retina. When the eye looks at nearby objects, the ciliary muscles are strained and the focal length decreases. So, that sharp image again forms on the retina.


The Human Eye and The Colourful World

Q 1.

Is the position of a star as seen by us its true position? Justify your answer.

Q 2.

What is dispersion?

Q 3.

How does the eye adjust its focal length?

Q 4.

How is the length of the telescope tube related to the distance between the objective and the eyepiece of the telescope? How can the magnification of the telescope be increased?

Q 5.

What is meant by power of accommodation of the eye?

Q 6.

A student sitting at the back of the classroom cannot read clearly the letters written on the blackboard. What advice will a doctor give to her? Draw ray diagram for the correction of this defect.

Q 7.

Give the condition required to achieve a larger magnification of a small object by a compound microscope ?

Q 8.

Write the names of colours got from the word VIBGYOR.

Q 9.

Why does the objective lens of an astronomical telescope have a large light gathering power?

Q 10.

How does the eye adjust itself to deal with light of varying intensity?

Q 11.

Which of the two, objective or eye-piece, of a telescope has a large aperture? Give reason for your answer.

Q 12.

A student has difficulty reading the blackboard while sitting in the last row. What could be the defect the child is suffering from ? How can it be corrected ?

Q 13.

Which part of human eye helps in the perception of colours?

Q 14.

Why does the sky appear dark of blue to an astronaut?

Q 15.

Why do stars twinkle?

Q 16.

What is short sight? How can it be corrected?

Q 17.

Where should an object be placed in front of a convex lens so as to use it as a simple microscope?

Q 18.

A lens used as a simple magnifier gives magnification of 6. What is its focal length?

Q 19.

Explain why the planets do not twinkle ?

Q 20.

Why do stars twinkle?

Q 21.

How is the terrestrial telescope different from the astronomical telescope?

Q 22.

What is visual axis?

Q 23.

Explain presbyopia and astigmatism.

Q 24.

A person having a myopic eye used the concave lens of focal length 50cm. What is the power of the lens?

Q 25.

Explain clearly the working of a human eye?

Q 26.

What is optic axis?

Q 27.

A 52-year old near-sighted person wears eye-glass with a power of –5.5 dioptres for distance viewing. His doctor prescribes a correction of +1.5 dioptres in the near-vision section of his bi-focals. This is measured relative to the main part of the lens (i) What is the focal length of his distance-viewing part of the lens? (ii) What is the focal length of the near-vision section of the lens?

Q 28.

Why is the colour of the clear sky blue?

Q 29.

Why does the sun appear reddish early in the morning?

Q 30.

What are the common defects of vision that can be corrected by the use of suitable eyeglasses or spectacles?

Q 31.

Which phenomenon of vision is made use of in cinematography? Explain briefly how it is used.

Q 32.

Define the term “accommodation of the eye”.

Q 33.

What is Astigmatism?

Q 34.

How will you distinguish between a compound microscope and a telescope.

Q 35.

When is a person said to have developed cataract in his eye? How is the vision of a person having cataract restored?

Q 36.

Define “least distance of distinct vision”.

Q 37.

A telescope has an objective of focal length 140.0 cm and an eyepiece of focal length 5.0 cm. Find
(i) the magnification of the telescope for viewing distant objects for normal adjustment
(ii) separation between the objective lens and the eyepiece.

Q 38.

What is spectrum?

Q 39.

What is visual axis?

Q 40.

A person needs a lens of power – 4.5 D for correction of her vision.
(a) What kind of defect in vision is she suffering from?
(b) What is the focal length of the corrective lens?
(c) What is the nature of the corrective lens?

Q 41.

Why is the colour of the clear sky blue?

Q 42.

How are we able to see nearby as well as the distant objects clearly?

Q 43.

What property of the eye is the principle of motion, pictures?

Q 44.

What is phorias?

Q 45.

How will you use two identical prisms so that a narrow beam of white light incident on one prism emerges out of the second prism as white light? Draw the diagram.

Q 46.

What is the far point and near point of the human eye with normal vision ?

Q 47.

Why is eye lens of telescope smaller than objective lens?

Q 48.

How do we see colours?

Q 49.

A compound microscope has an objective of focal length 1.0 cm and an eyepiece of focal length 4.0 cm. If the length of the tube is 20 cm, find the magnification of the compound microscope.

Q 50.

Explain the angle of prism.