
Atoms and Molecules

Mole Concept

Banks have an extremely large number of coins of various denominations. Counting of such a large number of coins is a difficult job. So, in banks, they weigh coins, rather than count them. The bank people know that a fixed number of a particular coin will always have the same mass. This means that from the mass of a particular type of coins, they can find the number of coins. Thus bank people link the mass of coins to the number of coins present. In chemistry also, scientists link the mass of an element or compound to the number of atoms or molecules present in them. This is done through the 'mole'.
Scientists count atoms and molecules by weighing them. It has been found by performing experiments that if we weigh an element equal to its atomic mass in grams, then it contains 6.022X1023 atoms of the element. Now, the gram atomic mass of the element as well as 6.022X1023 atoms of the element, both represent 1 mole of element.Similarly, if we weigh a compound equal to its molecular mass in grams, then it contains 6.022X1023 molecules of the compound. In this case also, the gram molecular mass as well as 6.022X1023 molecules represent 1 mole of the compound.Thus, mole is a link between the mass of atoms (or molecules) and the number of atoms (or molecules).
The gram atomic mass of carbon element is 12 grams. Now, when a scientist is performing an experiment by weighing 12 grams of carbon, he knows that he is dealing with 6.022X1023 atoms of carbon. In other words, he is working with 1 mole of carbon. The gram molecular mass of water is 18 grams. So, when a scientist is using 18 grams of water in his experiment, he knows that he is carrying out the reaction by using 6.022X1023 molecules of water. In other words, the scientist is working with 1 mole of water. In the following discussion, we will start by considering mole as a .collection of 6.022X1023 particles (atoms,molecules or ions) of a substance. We will give the proper definition of mole after a while.
A group of 6.022X1023 particles (atoms, molecules or ions) of a substance is called a mole of that substance.
Thus, 1 mole of atoms = 6.022X1023 atoms
And, 1 mole of molecules = 6.022X1023 molecules
It is obvious that we can have a mole of atoms or a mole of molecules of a substance. For example,oxygen atom is O and oxygen molecule is O2. So, we can have a mole of oxygen atoms or a mole of oxygen molecules.
1 mole of oxygen atoms (O) = 6.022X1023 oxygen atoms
And, 1 mole of oxygen molecules (O2) = 6.022X1023 oxygen molecules
Thus, mole represents a definite number of particles, atoms or molecules, of a substance. This number of 6.022X1023, which represents a mole, is known as Avogadro number (L). We can now say that a mole represents an Avogadro number of particles of a substance. In addition to the definite number of particles of a substance, the mole also represents a definite amount (or mass) of a substance. This point will become more clear from the following discussion.

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Atoms and Molecules - Notes
1. Drawbacks of Dalton’s Atomic Theory
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2. Monovalent Cations (Cations Having a Valency of 1+)
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3. Divalent Cations (Cations Having a Valency of 2+)
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4. Trivalent Cations (Cations Having a Valency of 3+)
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5. Dalton’s Symbols of Elements
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6. an example, let us give the significance of symbol C
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7. Formulae of Some Molecular Compounds
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8. An Important Discussion
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9. Explanation of the Law of Conservation of Mass
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10. Molecular Formulae of Some Common Elements
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11. 2. A Negatively Charged Ion is Known as Anion
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12. Molecules
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13. As an example, let us give the significance of the formula H2O
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14. Simple Ions and Compound Ions (Polyatomic Ions)
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15. Molecules of Compounds
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16. Chemical Formulae
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17. Formulae of Elements
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18. Some Ionic Compounds
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19. Symbols of Elements
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20. Molecular Mass
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21. Gram Atomic Mass And Gram Molecular Mass
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22. Atoms
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23. Formulae of Compounds
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24. Formula Mass
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25. Atoms, Molecules and Ions
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26. 1. Molecules of Elements
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27. Mole of Atoms
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28. 1. A Positively Charged Ion is Known as Cation
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29. Ions
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30. Mole of Molecules
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31. Dalton's Atomic Theory
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32. Laws Of Chemical Combination
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33. Calculation of Molecular Mass
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34. Divalent Anions (Anions Having a Valency of 2-)
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35. Molecular Masses of Some Common Elements
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36. Some Common Ions
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37. Explanation of the Law of Constant Proportions
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38. John Dalton
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39. Significance of the Formula of a Substance
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40. Formula Unit of Ionic Compounds
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41. Ionic Compounds
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42. Symbols Derived from Latin Names of the Elements
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43. Atomic Mass Of An Element
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44. Modern Symbols of Elements
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45. Valencies of Some Common Metal Elements Valencies of Some Common Non-Metal Elements
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46. Atomic Masses of Some Common Elements
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47. Writing Of Formulae Of Molecular Compounds
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48. Laws Of Conservation of Mass
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49. Problems Based On Moles Of Atoms
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50. Writing Of Formulae Of Ionic Compounds
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